Brandon Gorson

I am a full stack developer with knowledge primarily in Javascript, HTML and CSS. I'm currently completing my education to gain a deeper understanding in a variety of languages and technologies. I'm seeking employement to build your next project and make your ideas come to life.

On this page, you will find a variety of projects that I have completed as well as contact information. I've spent the majority of my career as a professional counselor working closely with traumatized populations in Chicago as the leader of clinical programming in an inpatient residential. I'm taking this new step in my life to pursue a passion of mine, technology. I'm always innovating and creating and am ready to bring these interests and skills into a new field.

In addition to my full stack work, I am also developing skills in Unity to be able to design small games. Completed projects will be posted here as well.

See my more detailed resume here

I am competent in the following:




Source Code

This project is designed to allow users to coordinate event plans with each other. Users can create a group, fill out relevant information, and vote on most desired locations. This project takes the EventBrite API and shows all events available in that area. In addition, users are able to view the location of the event through Google Maps and also send a calender invite to others.


Down The Rabbit Hole

Source Code

This is an Express built web forum that is deployed using Heroku that allows users to make posts about topics that interest them and comment on the posts of others. Links are previewed for users and displayed when viewing a post.


The Wild Lyfe

Source Code

This is a game built with react that utlizes to allow players to level up their character and fight other players. Players enter the world of Kingsthon Hallow with their companion. Users level up through a series of challenges and compete with other players in "The Tower"


Reddit Scrapper

Source Code

This is an express application used to scrape titles and links from the subreddit- Web Development. Users are able to save articles they like to a Mongo database and add notes to them.
